Dear Students,

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts

The Faculty, as with other faculties at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is embracing unprecedented changes to meet with the demands of time and to become more competitive.

The Faculty will go international at an phenomenal pace. You would be able to benefit enormously from the teaching of prominent overseas scholars and befriend international students from different corners of the world.




Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen 熊秉真教授 S.M. (Harvard); Ph.D. (Brown); M.A.(Brown); B.A (NTU)
Dean, Faculty of Arts 文学院院长

CUHK Shaw College Hosts Inaugural 'World Youth Leaders Forum'
Pulling International Elites to Share Insights into Post-crisis World Order

中 大 逸 夫 书 院 举 办 首 届 「世 界 青 年 领 袖 论 坛 」 
汇 聚 各 国 精 英 探 讨 金 融 风 暴 后 的 世 界 秩 序

Co-organized by Shaw College at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The National University of Malaysia, the inaugural 'World Youth Leaders Forum' (WYLF) was successfully held recently. With the theme 'Re-shaping the Post-crisis World Order', WYLF invited almost 70 young leaders from over 10 countries and places to exchange views and enhance cross-cultural understanding and friendship. It also marked the grand finale of Shaw College's silver jubilee celebration.

香港中文大学(中大)逸夫书院与马来西亚国立大学合办的首届「世界青年领袖论坛」已于日前圆满举行。为期三天的论坛邀请了近七十位来自十多个国家及地区的青年精英云集逸夫书院,以「重组金融风暴后的世界秩序」(Re-shaping the Post-crisis World Order)为题,发表意见及互相交流,促进他们对各地文化的认识,建立友好关系。论坛亦为逸夫书院银禧庆祝活动的压轴项目。



Young with a Smooth Finish:
CUHK Students Shine at Bordeaux Wine Tasting Contest
青 年 佳 酿 中 大 生 扬 威 法 国 品 酒 赛
Three students of the Chinese University's Law School, Fergus Chau, Holly Lau and Alex Yau, were the first runners-up in the final of the '20 Sur Vin' wine-tasting competition held on 17 June, in France. The youngest candidates in the event and participating for the first time in history, the Hong Kong team came just one point behind the champion from Harvard University, at the final held in the stunning circular barrel storehouse at Château Lafite Rothschild in Pauillac of France's famous Bordeaux region. The event was organized by one of the two most important wine guilds in Bordeaux, the Commanderie du Bontemps which encompasses the vineyards of the Médoc, Graves, Sauternes and Barsac.



Young Female Scientist Excels in International Arena
CUHK Professor Rossa Chiu Scoops Two Research Awards

本 地 女 青 年 科 学 家 扬 威 海 外
中 大 医 学 院 赵 慧 君 教 授 连 夺 两 项 国 际 科 研 大 奖

Prof. Rossa Chiu of the Department of Chemical Pathology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recently reaped two international research awards—the 2011 International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)Young Investigator Award and the 2011 Professors' Prize endowed by the Association of Academic Heads of Clinical Biochemistry Departments in the UK. There was keen competition for both awards as only one recipient was selected for each from around the world. Professor Chiu is the second CUHK scholar, following Prof. Dennis Lo Yuk-ming, Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences at CUHK, to have won the Professors' Prize from the Association of Academic Heads of Clinical Biochemistry Departments in the UK; she is also the world's first scientist to have been conferred the IFCC Young Investigator Award. Professor Chiu's laurels have once again spoken for CUHK's research strengths and reaffirmed the University's leading position in innovative research.

香港中文大学(中大)医学院化学病理学系赵慧君教授最近荣获两项国际科研大奖──国际临床化学和实验室医学联合会(International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 简称 IFCC)「2011年度青年研究新人奖」及英国临床生物化学系讲座教授协会(Association of Academic Heads of Clinical Biochemistry Departments)「2011年度杰出学人奖」(2011 Professors' Prize)。每项奖誉全球只授予一人,竞争非常激烈。赵慧君教授是继中大医学院李嘉诚健康科学研究所所长卢煜明教授后第二位获英国临床生物化学系讲座教授协会「杰出学人奖」的中大科研人员,亦是全球首名荣获「IFCC青年研究新人奖」的科学家。赵教授连夺两奖,进一步肯定中大卓越的科研成就,并展示了大学在创新研究的领先地位。


内 地 状 元 细 诉 港 高 校 魅 力

O七年,司玉洁以安徽省文科状元的身份入读香港中文大学。当时传媒眼中的她是个爱笑又可爱的女孩,如今,她已从中大毕业,任职于OC&C 管理咨询公司,成为每天为工作忙碌的「空中飞人」,记者眼前的她干练成熟。








尽管顶着「状元」的光环,但是司玉洁不以为意,她笑言, 「状元作用」只在发榜后的两个月里「起效」,踏入大学,一切归零,全新的生活,需要对自己重新定位。面对多姿多彩的大学生活,她选择了「什么都试一下」,主修会计的同时,还辅修政治与公共行政 (Government and Public Administration),并积极参加商业案例比赛和其它学生活动。


资料来源:香港大公报 2011年7月25日 A08版 港闻

It is said that a good beginning makes for a good ending, therefore it goes without saying that choosing the right place to study is a crucial task in one's life.

Being descended from Lithuania, a small country near the Baltic Sea, I have always been ready for great challenges. My personal commitment to major in Quantitative Finance has led me to Hong Kong - one of the world's important financial centres, housing a number of top Asian universities. Yet, I had no doubt CUHK Business School is 'the ace of the aces', an outstanding educational institution which can provide high standard education essential to gaining knowledge and qualifications to succeed in the highly competitive finance area.




Dovile Stonkute (Quantitative Finance 计量金融, Year 2 二年级)詳情


讲座: 高通胀下的消费及投资策略


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